Oct 18, 2017
Sometimes, you’ve got to find inspiration from things around you to improve your situation. On this episode of DSO Secrets we look at industry mashups, where we take the best ideas from different industries and see how best they can be utilized in our own. There are four (4) strong industries that we will focus on...
Oct 11, 2017
What are you doing to ensure that your team can complete their tasks feeling excited instead of overwhelmed? Are you choosing persons with similar personalities? Get more done by preparing your Assistants and Project Managers with the right resources and achievable expectations. Listen as we share DSO Secrets on...
Oct 4, 2017
We’re creating Avatars! And no, not the ones from the movie. Today on DSO Secrets, we’re utilizing a marketing concept that allows us to visualize the types of patients we want to treat every day. The focus is on patient avatars. Designing an idealistic view of the patients you want to help; the ones whose...